R&M Plumbing and Heating - network branding

About R&M Plumbing and Heating

Years of Experience

Since 1988 we’ve specialized in residential and commercial HVAC service and repair. We’ve pretty much seen it all. If you’re experiencing any issues with your Central Air Conditioning unit we’re here to help.

Fully Licensed

Fully Licensed Plumbing and Heating contractors including A & B gas fitters and journeyman commercial refrigeration mechanic with MOPIA accreditation.


1 year warranty on labor and our comprehensive service procedures. You’ll be able to relax knowing that your household comfort is our primary focus

58073 Murdock Rd.
Navin Mb R5T 0A5
T : (204) 781-6001
E: sales@rmplumbingandheating.ca​


R&M Plumbing and Heating hired me to customize their social networks by branding them to their image. Using the power of Canva, I created the banners, headers and profile pictures to exact dimensions.

Below you will see images of their Youtube, Facebook Business Page, Linkedin Personal Profile and Linkedin Business Page.

See The Social Network

How is the Social Network Used?

R&M Plumbing and Heating use these social networks to broadcast their marketing message further.

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We respect your privacy. We will not sell, trade, or share your contact details with any third-party, business or person.